Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Week One: Holy Shit Balls.

My heart is pumping, my chest is rising and falling, and I'm pouring sweat. Wow, this actually isn't that bad. . .

JUST KIDDING. This sucks. I am so ridiculously out of shape, a 3 year old learning to walk could beat me. As I explained this to my dad he replied "How do you eat an elephant?", as I shrugged my shoulders he stated "One bite at a time." Maybe a food analogy wasn't the best choice for this moment because all I want to do is go to eat all of Tim Horton's Bake Shop.

At least I went, at least I'm trying. I saw a quote once that said "No matter how slow you go, you're lapping everyone on the couch." This gives me motivation.

Here's the numbers:

Walking: I've walked every day this week, 2 miles a piece. Not a very good pace though. About an 18 minute mile. I want to get it to a 14-15 minute mile. I will get there.

Water drinking: Not so hot. I just forget . . . and I want Diet Mountain Dew way more than I do water. I will work on it. That's a promise.

Eating: I've been eating yogurt, strawberries, and granola every morning for breakfast after I get back from my walk. I've had a turkey sandwich and some more yogurt if I want it for lunch. Then, I've been having whatever my mom makes for dinner. But, don't fret because she feasts on two saltine crackers and a piece of gum. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating - but it's healthy.

Book Status: Non-existant. I need to buy that book! I will by the next post.


  1. This is a great start! The hardest part is getting up and going, but if you can do that, you can make your goal. I don't know if you're doing it already or not, but try bringing a partner with you when you walk. It makes the time drag less, and you have someone to make sure you're doing it. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks, Brandon! The partner idea is a great idea. My mom actually said that if I go for a walk every morning, she'll go on another one with me later on in the day. I like to walk with a partner more than I like walking alone, so that will be a great incentive for me! :) Thanks for your kinds words and advice! :)

  2. Jenn, you are doing so good. Don't fret that it's a lot harder than you expected, it always is. The important part is that you're trying and your keeping yourself accountable. That's a huge part of all of this. I've started a fitness goal of my own this summer and I want you to know that I am struggling just like you are. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. I know you have your fitness plan all set, but I wanted to share this website with you, It posts a new workout video every day and its completely free. The workouts are hard, they kick my ass and I'm extremely sore from them, but there is no better feeling than finishing it and knowing you're going to get results. If you ever find yourself struggling take Brandon's advice and get a partner, or try listening to music during your walk. You're off to a great start, keep on going and you'll do great!

    1. Wow! That website is awesome, Jennifer! Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Have you every heard of It's a social media site for weight loss and it provides it's users with a community of people that are all on a mission to be fit. The website can count calories, track exercise, and monitor weight loss. It's really awesome. Also, congrats on starting on your fitness goals as well! I hope you achieve all that you're hoping for! I know you will. Thanks again, Jennifer! :)
